quantum-sdk lets you seamlessly interact with the quantum server for your circuit registration and proof submission.
Retrieve Authorization Key
Retrieve an authorization key for accessing quantum testnet as follows:
let requestData = { "protocol_name": "your_protocol_name" }
let resp = await axios.post(`${RPC_ENDPOINT}/auth/protocol`, requestData);
const authKey = resp.data.auth_token;
Initialise Connection
import {Quantum} from "quantum-sdk";
Before interacting with the server, a connection to the quantum layer needs to be established.
let rpcEndpoint = "xx.xxx.xx";
let authKey = "xx-xxx"; // AUTH_KEY
const quantum = new Quantum(rpcEndpoint, authKey);
Check if the quantum instance can talk with the server. If rpcLive is True, a connection is established.
let rpcLive = await quantum.checkServerConnection();
Circuit Registration
Before submitting a proof, the user must register their circuit on the aggregation layer using some circuit data, primarily the verification key.
We've already established a connection in the quantum instance above. Let's see how to proceed from there.
let vkeyPath = "path/to/vKey.bin";
let circuitHash = (await quantum.registerGnarkGroth16Circuit(vKeyPath)).circuitHash["hash"];
let vKeyPath = `path/to/verification_key.json`
let circuitHash = (await quantum.registerSnarkJSGroth16Circuit(vKeyPath)).circuitHash["hash"];
let vKeyPath = `path/to/method_id.json`
let circuitHash = (await quantum.registerRisc0Circuit(vKeyPath)).circuitHash["hash"];
let vKeyPath = `path/to/v_key.bin`
let circuitHash = (await quantum.registerSp1Circuit(vKeyPath)).circuitHash["hash"];
let commonDataPath = `path/to/common_data.bin`
let verifierOnlyDataPath = `path/to/verifier_only.bin`
let circuitHash = (await quantum.registerPlonky2Circuit(commonDataPath, verifierOnlyDataPath)).circuitHash["hash"];
let vKeyPath = `path/to/vKey.bin`
let circuitHash = (await quantum.registerGnarkPlonkCircuit(vKeyPath)).circuitHash["hash"];
let sg2Path = `path/to/sg2.json`
let protocolPath = `path/to/protocol.json`
let circuitHash = (await quantum.registerHalo2KZGCircuit(sg2Path, protocolPath)).circuitHash["hash"];
let sg2Path = `path/to/sg2.json`
let protocolPath = `path/to/protocol.json`
let circuitHash = (await quantum.registerHalo2KZGEvmCircuit(sg2Path, protocolPath)).circuitHash["hash"];
let pcr0Path = `path/to/pcr0.bin`
let combinedVKeyHash = (await quantum.registerNitroAttCircuit(pcr0Path)).circuitHash["hash"];
circuitHash is a unique, 32 bytes value for your circuit on the quantum layer. This will be used to submit proofs and on-chain to check for .Each scheme may require a different set of circuit data. Seegenerate-circuit-data to learn how to prepare the circuit data needed for different proving schemes.
Proof Submission
Once the circuit is registered, the proof can be sent for aggregation on the quantum layer.
circuitHash , which we received after circuit registration will be used to submit proof for cheap verification on Ethereum. Primarily, the user sends its proof and publicInputs corresponding to the registered circuit.
let proofPath = `path/to/proof.bin`
let pisPath = `path/to/pis.json`
let proofResponse = (await quantum.submitGnarkGroth16Proof(proofPath, pisPath, circuitHash));
let proofPath = `path/to/proof.json`
let pisPath = `path/to/public.json`
let proofResponse = (await quantum.submitSnarkJSGroth16Proof(proofPath, pisPath, combinedVKeyHash));
let vKeyPath = `path/to/method_id.json`
let receiptPath = `path/to/receipt.bin`
let proofResponse = (await quantum.submitRisc0Proof(receiptPath, combinedVKeyHash));
let vKeyPath = `path/to/v_key.bin`
let proofPath = `path/to/proof.bin`
let proofResponse = (await quantum.submitSp1Proof(proofPath, combinedVKeyHash));
let proofPath = `path/to/proof.bin`
let proofResponse = (await quantum.submitPlonky2Proof(proofPath, combinedVKeyHash));
let proofPath = `path/to/proof.bin`
let pisPath = `path/to/pis.json`
let proofResponse = (await quantum.submitGnarkPlonkProof(proofPath, pisPath, combinedVKeyHash));
let proofPath = `path/to/proof.bin`
let instancesPath = `path/to/instances.json`
let proofResponse = (await quantum.submitHalo2KZGProof(proofPath, instancesPath, combinedVKeyHash));
let proofPath = `path/to/proof.bin`
let instancesPath = `path/to/instances.json`
let proofResponse = (await quantum.submitHalo2KZGEvmProof(proofPath, instancesPath, combinedVKeyHash));
let attDocPath = `path/to/attestation_doc.bin`
let proofResponse = (await quantum.submitNitroAttProof(attDocPath, combinedVKeyHash));
A proofHash is returned from the quantum layer if a proof is submitted successfully.
A proof cannot be submitted if another proof associated with the same circuitHash is currently being aggregated.
Check Proof Status
let proofHash = proofResponse.proofHash
proofHash is used to track the progress or get details of the aggregation request.
let proofStatus = (await quantum.getProofData(proofHash)).proofData.status
// *** Possible Responses to this call ***
// 1 (NOT_FOUND): proof_hash was not found,
// 2 (REGISTERED): Proof is registered but yet to be picked up for aggregation
// 3 (REDUCING): Proof is being Reduced, and prepared for aggregation
// 4 (REDUCED): Proof is reduced and ready for aggregation
// 5 (AGGREGATING): Proof is being aggregated
// 6 (AGGREGATED): Proof is aggregated, and superproof is created but yet to be verified on Ethereum
// 7 (VERIFIED): Aggregated Proof is Verified on Ethereum
// 8 (REDUCTION_FAILED): Proof Reduction Failed, Contact Admin
// 9 (AGGREGATION_FAILED): Proof Aggregation Failed, Contact Admin
proofHash is also used to query some Merkle proof data for on-chain purposes
Currently, the aggregated proof is submitted on Sepolia once every ~15 minutes, so for the STATUS to get toVERIFIEDcan take some time.
Each scheme may require a different set of circuit data. Seegenerate-circuit-data to learn how to prepare the circuit data needed for different proving schemes.
Verifying Protocol Proof On-Chain
On-chain Contract
npm i quantum-contracts
For protocols to integrate quantum, they would have to make some changes to their verification smart contract. The protocol smart contract imports CircuitVerifier from quantum-contracts which is used to verify if the pubInputs were verified as part of the aggregated proof.
The function verifyPubInputs of the CircuitVerifier lib contract is used for public input verification.
Verification requires some Merkle-proof data, which can be fetched using the proofHash as follows:
let protocolProofResponse = await quantum.getProtocolProof(proofHash);
let protocolInclusionProof = protocolProofResponse.protocolProof
Here is an example contract initialized with the circuitHash. This example can be found in example contracts
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;
import {CircuitVerifier} from "quantum-contracts/lib/CircuitVerifier.sol";
contract Protocol {
bytes32 public circuitHash;
address public quantum;
constructor(bytes32 circuitHash_, address quantum_) {
circuitHash = circuitHash_;
quantum = quantum_;
/// @dev `merkleProof` calldata must be the first parameter
/// keeping it non-view for testing purpose
function verifyPubInputs(
CircuitVerifier.MerkleProof calldata merkleProof,
uint256[] calldata pubInputs
) external {
// Protocol specific Business logic
// ...