Developer tutorial for integrating Quantum

In the following page, we detail all the steps required for a protocol to integrate with Quantum. We use the ZKP2P's VenmoOnRamp2 circuit as an example throughout the demo.

Step 1: Setup Nodejs repo

Firstly, install quantum-sdk in your project:

npm i quantum-sdk

Step 2: Circuit registration with Quantum

Now, assuming that the circuit's proving key, and verification key files have been generated following the steps detailed in Circom's documentation, the next step is to register the verification key file.

import { Quantum } from "quantum-sdk";
import { ProofType } from "quantum-sdk/dist/src/enum/proof_type";

const RPC_ENDPOINT = "";
const AUTH_KEY = "xx-xxx";
const quantum = new Quantum(RPC_ENDPOINT, AUTH_KEY);

async function main() {
  const vkey_path = "path/to/verification_key.json";
  const num_pis = 12;

  let connection = await quantum.checkServerConnection();
  if (!connection) {
    throw Error("Not connected with Quantum server");

  let proof_type = ProofType.GROTH16;

  let circuit_hash = (
    await quantum.registerCircuit(vkey_path, num_pis, proof_type)


The circuit_hash received above is basically an identifier for this circuit, and here onward any interactions for this circuit will be done using this circuit_hash.

Step 2.1: Check if registration is completed

Next, we check if the circuit registration is complete.

import { Quantum } from "quantum-sdk";
import { CircuitRegistrationStatus } from "quantum-sdk/dist/src/enum/circuit_registration_status";

const RPC_ENDPOINT = "";
const AUTH_KEY = "xx-xxx";
const quantum = new Quantum(RPC_ENDPOINT, AUTH_KEY);

async function main() {
  let connection = await quantum.checkServerConnection();
  if (!connection) {
    throw Error("Not connected with Quantum server");

  const circuit_hash = "xxxxxxxxxx"; // circuit hash that we received during registration

  let registered_response = await quantum.isCircuitRegistered(circuit_hash);
  let status =
  if (status != CircuitRegistrationStatus.Completed) {
    throw Error("Circuit not registered yet");

  // Reduction circuit hash unique to user's circuit
  let reduction_circuit_hash =


The reduction_circuit_hash received above will be used later during public inputs verification.

Step 3: Proof submission to Quantum

Next, we will submit a proof to Quantum for aggregation. After the protocol has generated proof.json and public.json files through either Snarkjs or Rapidsnark, they can submit the proof to quantum as follows:

import { Quantum } from "quantum-sdk";
import { ProofType } from "quantum-sdk/dist/src/enum/proof_type";

const RPC_ENDPOINT = "";
const AUTH_KEY = "xx-xxx";
const quantum = new Quantum(RPC_ENDPOINT, AUTH_KEY);

async function main() {
  const proof_path = "path/to/proof.json";
  const public_path = "path/to/public.json";

  let connection = await quantum.checkServerConnection();
  if (!connection) {
    throw Error("Not connected with Quantum server");

  const circuit_hash = "xxxxxxxxxx"; // circuit hash that we received during registration
  let proof_type = ProofType.GROTH16;

  let proof_hash = (
    await quantum.submitProof(


The proof_hash received above will be used to check the status of the proof.

Step 3.1: Check if proof is verified

To check if a proof has been aggregated and submitted on chain:

import { Quantum } from "quantum-sdk";
import { ProofStatus } from "quantum-sdk/dist/src/enum/proof_status";

const RPC_ENDPOINT = "";
const AUTH_KEY = "xx-xxx";
const quantum = new Quantum(RPC_ENDPOINT, AUTH_KEY);

async function main() {
  let connection = await quantum.checkServerConnection();
  if (!connection) {
    throw Error("Not connected with Quantum server");

  let proof_hash = "xxxxxxxxxx"; // proof hash that we received during proof submission

  let proof_status = (await quantum.getProofData(proof_hash)).proofData.status;
  if (proof_status != ProofStatus.VERIFIED) {
    throw Error("Not verified on chain yet");

Step 4: Compute vkey_hash

When an aggregated proof is submitted on chain, all the individual proofs’ public inputs are hashed and stored in a map against vkey_hash , which can be computed as follows:

import { getVKeyHash } from "quantum-sdk/dist/src/quantum_helper";

async function main() {
  const circuit_hash = "xxxxxxxxxx"; // circuit hash that we received during registration
  const reduction_circuit_hash = "yyyyyyyyyy"; // Reduction circuit hash received during circuit registration check
  const vkey_hash = getVKeyHash(circuit_hash, reduction_circuit_hash);


Step 5: Verifying public inputs in contract

To verify public inputs on chain, the protocol needs to make slight changes to their contract, which are summarised below. We demonstrate by making changes to ZKP2P's VenmoSendProcessorV2 contract.

/* other imports */

// Import ProtocolVerifier_{n} corresponding to your n number of public inputs
// We support ProtocolVerifier_{1} to ProtocolVerifier_{15}; import accordingly
import {ProtocolVerifier_2} from "quantum-sdk/contracts/lib/ProtocolVerifier.sol";

contract VenmoSendProcessorV2 is ISendProcessor, BaseProcessorV2 {
    /* othercontract state */
    bytes32 vKeyHash; // the same vkey_hash that we constructed earlier
    address constant QUANTUM; // address of quantum contract

        /* other fields */,
        bytes32 vKeyHash_,
        address quantum_
        /* other constructors */
        vKeyHash = vKeyHash_;
        QUANTUM = quantum_;

    /* other functions */

    function processProof(
        uint256[12] calldata _signals
        /* function keywords and return type */
        ProtocolVerifier_12.verifyPubInputs(_signals, vKeyHash, QUANTUM);

        /* remaining function logic */

With this, we have completed the integration of Quantum with this protocol. If you are still facing any problems in integrating Quantum with your protocol, please reach out to us.

Last updated